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kila kitu fresh - everything will be okay

Autorenbild: SteffSteff

The second week we finally started with the production of our new desks. Even though we couldn't produce in the technical school, the workshop of our friend is fine too.

We bought 77 pieces of the raw wood. (2.5m x 8cm x 20cm) In the workshop we cut them in half and glued them together, so we got a wider board to cut our desk parts. Each desk needed roundabout 5.5 of these Boards.

Still one team gluing, the other team started to cut and drill each piece in the right shape. It requires a lot of good craft work to produce our desk, they are not easy to produce. But you can learn many things in the process and we have a very strong product at the end.

Monday until wednesday in our third and last week they finished each piece. Due to many power failures and rainfalls interrupting the outside work, we had to switch the tasks a lot. We had the chance to show and strengthen our flexibility. 😁

Thursday we started to varnish the pieces. Unfortunately a heavy rainfall started. In a short period of time a raging stream emerged, dragging down all drying pieces which weren't taken inside fast enough.

When the weather calmed down, we started to look for the missing pieces. Surprisingly we found all pieces in the area of 200 meters.

Friday we varnished the last pieces and started to assemble our ten new desks. Nicole our new swiss friend helped us kindly. We distributed the desks in the Kitongani primary school.

We brought three desks to neighbouring schools, so we can show the community the work of kila kitu fresh.

It was a nice feeling to see how immediately seven children sat on the new desk, even though it is made for less than the half of them 😊

Conclusion of this year

10 new desks

93 repaired desks

67 chairs

76 tables

27 doors

10 windows

6 cardboards

12 lights

2 swings

Uncountable holes in the roof are repaired

We see there is still a lot of work to do, we finished all kazi fresh successfully, which give us the confidence and motivation to continue in pursuing our goal - supporting education while being educated to achieve a positive future!

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„There is only one thing in the long run more expensive than education: no education.“
- John F. Kennedy

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