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week 1

Autorenbild: SteffSteff

kazi fresh, kazi is kiswahili and means worktime. the 10th of august we could after 1.5 years of preparation start our 1st kazi fresh! 3 participants from zanzibar: salum, eddy and iddy work together with 3 participants from switzerland: yannick, piet and fabrice. our first public school to refresh is the kombeni primary school. we had a great start and all guys really have a great time together.

conclusion of the first week:

13 fixed desks

2 chairs

2 tables

4 doors

2 school visits!

friday we also had the chance to distribute 600 toothbrushes to the primary students of kitongani primary school.

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Recap Februar kazi fresh

Recap Februar kazi fresh


„There is only one thing in the long run more expensive than education: no education.“
- John F. Kennedy

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