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chakula chema - enjoy your meal

Autorenbild: SteffSteff

after finishing the kombeni primary school in the first week, we finished this week the secondary school. they tried to assemble as many chairs and tables as possible, out of all scraps and pieces they found, there all of our participants had to show their creativity. the participants went already to our next school in our host village maungani. there they also gave the small ones the chance to swing the hammer.

together we wanted to share some tastes of switzerland. we chose as swiss dish rösti mit bratwurscht anere zwebelesoose or roasted potato cuts and sausage topped with a onion sauce. even though our fears while cooking it won't be delicious, it was to our surprise very good! not all of the locals would say the same, but they weren't that used to a chräftigi zwebelesoose!

conclusion of this week:

4 repaired desks

13 tables

25 chairs

14 doors

1 cardboard

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„There is only one thing in the long run more expensive than education: no education.“
- John F. Kennedy

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